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You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered. Most orders are shipped between 1 and 72 hours of receipt. We can ship most products anywhere in the United States, Canada, and all over the world. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), shipping method selected and your shipment's destination. If you select UPS Ground as your shipping method and provide us with a PO Box as your shipping address we will ship the order via regular US Mail. Our shipping charges are determined by the total weight of your order. Some items are larger and will use "dimensional weight" instead of the actual weight of the order. Some products cannot be shipped to international destinations so please Contact Us if you would like to discuss international ordering options.
If you order a heat exchanger, oil cooler, or any other copper/copper-nickel product it will be shipped direct from manufacturing in Washington State.
If you order a custom OEM muffler or other muffler that is not normally stocked it will need to be manufactured first and then shipped directly to from manufacturing in Georgia. There is normally a 3 week lead time to manufacture a muffler but that can vary over the season. Contact Us if you need more information about this.
Most other parts ship from various distrubution centers in Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, California, and Pennsylvania. We will ship out your order from the closest distribution center to you that has the item in stock. If you need to know where your order is being shipped from and about how long it will take to get to you please Contact Us.
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